I am a fictionkin, meaning the name I prefer and the way I'd like to be referred to as may change with kinshifts. If you're ever unsure of what to call me don't be afraid to ask, or use the names highlighted.


Simon Henriksson - Cry of Fear [ID]
Alex Kralie - Marble Hornets [ID]
Fred 'Spooker' Soup - Venturiantale
Wilson Higgsbury - Don't Starve
Airy - hfjONE
Heart - Chonny Jash/HMS

Media mates
Media talk
Media jokes
Shipping talk

Overly sexual/suggestive comments about me or my media
Negative media talk/media hate (valid criticism is fine)
Endo systems


Fictionkin - A strong connection to a character, where one will identify as them for a variety of reasons. It may be a spiritual belief, psychological, or something else.Kinshift - A moment in time where you feel more like your kintype. Kinshift durations can last anywhere from a few days to weeks or months.Selfhood/ID/Permashift - When you always feel like your kin, and whether or not you kinshift to another, this is basically your "main" one.Kin/Kintype - The character or species you identify as.Media - Whatever your kin is from. (Game, book, movie, ect.)Mediamate - Someone who is a kin from the same media as you.Duplicate/Double - Someone who is the same kin as you.Memories - Memories from your media/of being your kin. I personally do not get these, but I felt inclined to add this here.Kinsider - When you're considering a kin, and aren't quite sure yet.There is a lot more than this, these are just the basics.